
16 de mayo de 2008

Pistorius podrá correr en los Juegos de Pekín

LAUSANA (AFP) — El atleta paralímpico sudafricano Oscar Pistorius ganó este viernes la apelación ante el Tribunal de Arbitraje Deportivo (TAS) sobre su eventual participación en los Juegos Olímpicos.
"El TAS admitió la apelación efectuada por el atleta sudafricano Oscar Pistorius contra la decisión del Consejo de la IAAF (Federación Internacional de Atletismo), el 14 de enero", indicó el TAS. El 14 de enero, el Consejo de la IAAF decidió no autorizar a participar a Pistorius en competiciones organizadas bajo su reglamento por un informe de un experto alemán, que estimaba que el corredor de los 400 m obtenía ventaja de sus prótesis de fibra de carbono.

1 comentario:

Santiago Chiva, Granada dijo...

The southafrican athlete Oscar Pistorius can participate in the Olympic Games in Beijing. It has overridden the veto of the International Federation of athletes. "I am not an invalid; simply, I have no legs. All disabled athletes deserve a chance to compete at the highest level" Pistorius was a baby incomplete without ankles. He grew up with wheels first and with two layers of carbon fibre later. In the Paralympic Games of Athens 2004 was the best and then beat the world records of 100, 200 and 400. “My Government, a pioneer in equal rights policies, should a boycott of the Games if they do not let me go”, had declared. Pistorius carry two flags: the South African and all the disabled. That will be your victory. He has gone one step further so that the rights of the disabled are full . On the same day another news that apparently is a scientific breakthrough, but consider that involves the rights of the disabled as second-class rights. A Spanish company wants to diagnose Down syndrome in the seven weeks of pregnancy. Prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome, incurable disease, can have two purposes. The first is unlikely, is that parents are prepared psychologically to take a sick child. Unfortunately, in almost all cases is aimed at offering parents the opportunity to abort in case of illness. Oscar Pistorius is not Down, but with his illness, detected with prenatal diagnosis, it would have been aborted, if their parents had not been generous and courageous. The disabled, to be born, have delegated their rights in their parents; are second-class. Let us hope that Pistorius example sensitize society to the disabled, so they do not have to rely on the generosity of their parents to live.